Saturday, March 5, 2011

Robin's Nest Day 3

Friends -

We started out our day with a daily devotional on Ephesians 4:17-24 "Living as children of the Light". We had a good discussion regarding what everyone pulled from the verses. We discussed the importance of letting things go from our daily lives so we can focus on the kids and helping to bring light into the life of the children, especially some who recently came from a dark place. The experience gained through this trip is also an opportunity for us to try and leave part of our old lives behind as well as those things that way lead us further from a relationship with God.

It was another beautiful day in Montego Bay and the trip up to the Nest never let's you forget how fortunate we are. Upon arriving at the Nest, our team was able to quickly jump back into our projects. This is very helpful for the directors as they are busy with every day life with the kids and really appreciate teams that are self sufficient. Through out the day, the team gets the opportunity to interact with the kids who are not yet in school and anxiously awaits for those kids who are at school. The team worked hard to complete some cabinetry in the laundry room that will help them to be more organized and efficient while also preparing wood for bunk-beds for the next team coming in.

At the end of the day, once the kids came home from school, it is great to see the interaction the team has with the kids. The kids really enjoy a loving heart to play with on the play ground or simply someone giving them some personal one-on-one time to talk and listen. The team is getting to know more kids and has quickly acclimated to the Nest which is a blessing. We finished our day with dinner together at the Jamaican Bobsled restaurant with some fun pictures and good discussion about our day together. Thanks to everyone back home who is praying for the team. We are excited about our Saturday together and a full day with the kids as they are home from school!


Robins Nest Team

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